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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh Joie

A beautiful day to style a Spring fashion shoot for online magazine Joie. Led by incredibly talented photographer Amanda Thorson, joined by Keeley Rees, our beautiful model and Annika De Hoog as photography assistant/chief scene wrangler.

I got the fun job of styling outfits of my T&J label clothes and jewellery, with hats and fascinators by Barb Mickelson. The results... well, you'll have to wait for the finished collection of shots, but for now, a look behind the scenes...

A fun day, great company, and I can't wait to see the beautiful results!


Virginia said...

Why were you doing a Spring photo shoot in April?

ninaribena said...

hmm, yeah that was tricky! Joie, though available online to all, is a US-based magazine, so seasons are in line with theirs. So, lucky weather for us!

dixiebelle said...

What fun!

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