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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Her Canberra feature: She's Got Style

Tres glamourous... a feature today at, an online magazine for Canberra women, by Canberra women , with contributors including social commentators, culinary whizzes, a home & style guru, health & fitness experts, movie buffs…and they’re all amazingly talented local women.

Make sure you visit and have a read of the most fabulous words ever written about moi, and for a tour of my home... and they even spill the beans on the amazing news I alluded to a couple of posts ago! (squeeee!).

A most exotic thank you to friend, creative equal, and super stylish Barb Fisher for the feature and articulate and kind words.

Follow the link to HerCanberra above for even more fabulousness, updated daily. xx

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